Minggu, 08 September 2013

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Cara Alami Memperbesar Penis

Kunci latihan dalam panduan ini adalah variasi dari teknik membesarkan penis cara Arab (jilq). Teknik ini sudah berumur ratusan tahun dan merupakan  cara alami pembesaran alat indispensable yang terkuat dan terhebat yang pernah dikenal oleh budaya manusia.

Metode Jilq atau dalam lafadz Arab Al-Jilqiy, pertama kali digunakan oieh orang Arab Sudan berabad-abad yang lalu sebagal bagian dari budaya cara membesarkan penis dlantara para lelaki. Dengan memiliki sebuah penis yang besar, generally advanced, menunjukkan suatu kesuburan dan force, dan itu sangatlah menarik bagi wanita. Pada saat memasuki pubertas, anak-anak laki dari kebudayaan saat itu telah diberitahu oleh ayah-ayah mereka bagaimana untuk melakukan Jilq (Al-Jilqy – memerah untuk membesarkan). Selama 30 menit setiap hari, pria-pria muda ini melakukan Jilq pada penis mereka, dan meneruskan latihan ini sepanjang waktu hingga masa dewasa mereka.

Pada saat mencapai masa dewasa, mereka mengurangi sesi Jilq mereka menjadi 3 kali seminggu untuk menjaga ukuran dan kekuatannya. Latihan ini dilakukan setiap hari, selama 30 menit, dan dibantu dengan motivasi mental dan teknik pernapasan. Beberapa pria Arab mendapatkan ukuran yang mencapai lebih dari 18- 20 inch pada panjang dan 20 Inch pada lingkarannya. Tak meragukan lagi, jika semua pria disana diinstruksikan untuk melakukan hal yang sama sejak masa kanak-kanak. Setelah selama setahun melakukan Jilq secara kontinu panjang rata-rata penis setiap pria muda Arab Sudan mencapai 18 cm dalam keadaan ereksi dan 5 cm untuk diameternya. Sekarang, tidak inginkah sobat memiliki ukuran semacam ini ketika sobat masuk SMA?

Bagaimanapun, latihan memperbesar penis ini akan memanjangkan dan menggemukkan penis sobat tidak seperti apapun yang pernah sobat jumpai. Metode Arabic Jilq berhasil karena ketika sobat memerah penis, sobat sedang memaksa darah masuk ke dalam spasi-spasi di dalam Corpora Cavernosa yang biasanya terbatas pada suatu ukuran tertentu. Ketika sobat memerah dengan kontinu, spasi-spasi di dalam penis secara kontinu teregang Iebih besar dan lebih besar, membongkar dinding-dinding sel di dalam Corpora Cavernosa (jaringan ereksi).

Sebagaimana latihan membesarkan penis sobat berlangsung terus, spasi-spasi tersebut selalu menjadi lebih besar dan lebih kuat. Dalam waktu sebulan, Anda akan melihat dengan jelas sebuah peningkatan di dalam ukuran dan kekokohannya, tetapi dalam waktu 3-4 bulan latihan setiap hari, hasil yang akan sobat capai tak terbayangkan. Ereksi Anda akan sekeras sepotong pipa, penis Anda akan menjadi lebih besar, gemuk, tergantung lebih kebawah ketika lemas, dan peningkatan sirkulasi darah dan latihan ini tak diragukan lagi akan meningkatkan sensasi dan perasaan 10 kali lipat.

Setelah tahun pertama dari setiap hari latihan, sobat seharusnya mengalami penambahan withering sedikit 6 cm pada panjangnya. Beberapa pria pernah tercatat telah men-DUA KALI LIPAT-kan ukuran penis mereka dalam waktu satu tahun setiap hari latihan. Ketika saya mengatakan latihan setiap hari, yang saya maksudkan adalah sebuah sesi Jilq selama withering sedikit 30 menit secara terus-menerus tanpa berhenti. Ini dilakukan untuk menjamin pembesaran jaringan pembuluh darah di dalam penis sobat secara tepat.

Bagaimana Teknik Jilq Bekerja?

Teknik ini akan memanjangkan dan menebalkan penis anda. Jilq berhasil karena ketika memeras penis, sobat sedang memaksa darah masuk ke ruang dalam Corpora Cavernosa.

Ketika sobat melakukan Jilq, ruang-ruang di dalam penis terus-menerus meregang lebih besar dan lebih besar, mendobrak dinding-dinding sel di dalam Corpora Cavernosa (jaringan ereksi). Seiring waktu, ruang-ruang terus semakin besar dan kuat, penyembuhan akan terjadi pada malam hari saat sobat tidur. Teknik ini juga meregangkan jaringan penis serta suspensori ligament, yang akan membantu untuk memperpanjang penis.

Latihan ini merupakan metode kuno, biasanya orang Arab melakukan latihan JILQ selama bertahun-tahun sejak masa anak-anak sehingga ketika sudah dewasa dan menikah mereka akan memiliki penis yang luar biasa besarnya. Lho terus mengapa harus ditiru metode tersebut? Toh, akan membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk mencapai hasilnya?

Kita hanya akan meniru metodenya, sedangkan cara dan alat yang akan digunakan berbeda. Orang Arab melakukan latihan JILQ tanpa menggunakan air hangat sebagai sarana JILQ sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang sangat lama untuk melihat hasilnya. Sedangkan yang akan kita lakukan adalah menggunakan sarana air hangat untuk memicu aliran darah ke dalam penis, selain itu dengan air hangat tersebut akan membuat penis terasa lebih lunak dan mudah mengembang. Dengan bantuan air hangat ( untuk pemanasan ), maka compositions pemanjangan lebih cepat 10 kali lipatnya.

Tips: ada baiknya sebelum sobat memulai latihan membesarkan penis (apapun metodenya), ukur dahulu panjang penis sobat!

Pemanasan dan Pelumasan Penis

Pemanasan adalah bagian yang sangat penting dari latihan. Pastikan untuk melakukannya sebelum setiap sesi latihan. Sobat akan menemukan petunjuk rinci di bawah ini untuk melakukan prosedur ini. Sobat juga akan menemukan saran mengenai pelumasan yang terutama berguna ketika melakukan latihan jilq.


Untuk melakukan latihan pemanasan ini, sobat memerlukan kain atau handuk kecil dan air hangat. Pertama, cari handuk yang lebar. Basahi atau direndam dengan air hangat sampai meresap. Kemudian bungkus penis dan testikel dengan kain hangat itu. Lakukan selama 1 menit.

Setelah itu, rendam kain di air hangat lagi dan lakukan langkah yang sama berulang- ulang, selama 1-2 menit. Setelah 2-3 menit sobat akan merasa siap melakukan latihan biasa. Jika sobat belum merasa siap melakukan latihan, lakukan pemanasan lagi sampai anda merasa benar- benar siap. Ingat! Pemanasan sangat penting.

Sebagaimana disebutkan diatas, pemanasan sangat PENTING & MUTLAK dilakukan sebelum memulai latihan utama. Sobat tidak b

admin 09 Sep, 2013

Source: http://www.blog.priaideal.com/?p=27
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Kamis, 05 September 2013

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Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2013

Stop The Thyroid Madness Blog Newsletter

Stop The Thyroid Madness Blog Newsletter

What thyroid patients should know about Oxidative Stress

Posted: 17 Aug 2013 02:21 PM PDT

20130817_151332With a recent Italian study hypothesizing a significant correlation between T4-only levothyroxine use and lung cancer because of “oxidative stress” (possibly due to the serum peak of T4), or the same oxidative stress simply from the hypothyroidism itself, it spurs curiosity as to what oxidative stress is about and what we, as thyroid patients, can learn from this biological phenomena!

Oxidation—what the heck is that?

I have a shampoo holder that hangs from the shower nozzle, and to my dismay, it started to rust underneath the coating. (Note to self: don’t buy a hanging shampoo holder from a garage sale, even if it does look brand new).  And this rust is an example of “oxidation”, i.e. when the iron comes into contact with oxygen (also via moisture), an oxidized corrosion will form called “rust”. Other examples of oxidation are the greenish patina you see on copper, the fading of paint on your house, or the brown coating you'll see on an exposed cut apple…all due to the substance coming in contact with oxygen.

In your body, oxidation is a constant and normal chemical reaction going on every hour, every day and occurring when your cells come into contact with oxygen. It's a required process to supply your body and all its cells with energy. Oxidation helps your body to get rid of old cells in favor of new cells. Your immune system also uses oxidation to attack and kill off pathogens.

Biologically, oxygenation describes the process of any particular molecule (which is made up of connected atoms) coming into contact with oxygen (making it an "oxygenated molecule"), resulting in the loss of an electron—a subatomic particle with a negative electric charge that surrounds any of those atoms. This oxygenated-molecule-minus-an-electron will frantically try to connect with another molecule which does NOT have this electron loss, and this constant attempt of connection produces an unstable "free radical". And free radicals can cause all sorts of havoc.

Fortunately, a healthy and balanced body has a built-in ability to keep these unstable free radicals in check with anti-oxidant defense mechanisms…or at the very least, slow the havoc of a free radical down. Those heroes include several anti-oxidant enzymes, also called free radical scavengers, which can neutralize all those frenzied free radicals. Our body will also use nutrients in what we eat to squelch those free radicals, such as Vitamin C and E. Our bodies have the ability to repair DNA and tissue damage from free radicals, as well as zap damaged cells to death!

When Oxidation become "Oxidative Stress"

On the negative side, sometimes your body can lose the ability to take care of all the free radicals caused by the constant oxidation. (Collectively, all these free radicals are called "reactive oxygen species" (ROS).) The body then becomes overwhelmed by the excess of oxygenated free radicals, causing all sorts of damage. And this is all termed “oxidative stress”. 

Alarmingly, oxidative stress can cause the loss of one of your key and internally-natural antioxidants: glutathione. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant produced by your own cells, and it neutralizes those free radicals/reactive oxygen species. It also works expertly with antioxidants vitamin C and E. And as your glutathione levels fall, a cascade of toxic deterioration and damage can also begin, from cells to tissues to organs. Scientists theorize, and studies propose, that this is what leads to conditions like:

Oxidative stress may also be negatively affecting your methylation process, such as the MTHFR enzyme.

Dr Andrew Weil explains :

Although we need oxygen to live, high concentrations of it are actually corrosive and toxic. We obtain energy by burning fuel with oxygen – that is, by combining digested food with oxygen from the air we breathe. This is a controlled metabolic process that, unfortunately, also generates dangerous byproducts. These include free radicals – electronically unstable atoms or molecules capable of stripping electrons from any other molecules they meet in an effort to achieve stability. In their wake they create even more unstable molecules that then attack their neighbors in domino-like chain reactions.

Some Causes of oxidative stress

There are quite a few situations mentioned in articles and studies which can cause your body to be overly stressed from the results of oxidation and all the reactive oxygen species. They include, but are not limited to:

  • excess endurance exercising
  • excess weight lifting
  • lack of key antioxidant nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, Magnesium and other minerals
  • excess radiation or sunlight
  • smoking (huge cause of oxidative stress)
  • excessive drinking or drug use
  • over-exposure to toxins in our air, water and foods like pesticides, chemicals, heavy metals and more
  • prescription medications
  • processed foods with all their artificial dyes, additives or flavorings
  • excess physical trauma
  • Graves disease aka hyperthyroidism
  • excess copper levels from the MTHFR defect

Your thyroid condition and Oxidative Stress

In addition to all the above, there are a vast amount of documentation about the strong relationship between hypothyroidism and Oxidative Stress. In just four examples of many:

  1. Oxidative stress and enzymatic antioxidant status in patients with hypothyroidism before and after treatment (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17853336):  concludes that "increased ROS levels in hypothyroidism may result in a pro-oxidation environment, which in turn could result in decreased antioxidant PON1 activity, increased MDA (malondialdehyde) and NO (nitric acid) levels". ROS stands for Reactive oxygen species, which are chemically reactive molecules containing oxygen
  2. Serum Lipids and Oxidative Stress in Hypothyroidism http://www.scopemed.org/?mno=34955: found relationship between high Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, LDL and MDA levels in hypothyroid patients with oxidative stress
  3. Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Status in Hypo- and Hyperthyroidism http://www.intechopen.com/books/antioxidant-enzyme/oxidative-stress-and-antioxidant-status-in-hypo-and-hyperthyroidism "Despite some contradictory reports, the aforementioned results provide strong evidence that thyroid hormones induce oxidative stress in target tissues."
  4. Oxidative stress status in hypothyroid patients. http://biomedres.info/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/286-288-Bhawnadoc.100230858.pdf "Hypothyroidism undeniably can be risk factor for in- creased oxidative stress; can eventually lead to many other complications. Antioxidant therapy and antioxidant diet should be advised along with thyroid hormone replacement therapy to diminish further complications."

What we might conclude as informed thyroid patients

Plenty of research studies and articles underscore that lack of optimal thyroid hormones are strongly associated with your anti-oxidative status in a negative way, meaning the lack of adequate thyroid hormones means oxidative stress. And worldwide thyroid patient reports underscore the reality of a potential, hypothyroid-induced "oxidative stress profile" with their chronic inflammation and finding themselves more frequent illnesses, besides lowered levels of important nutrients (due to hypothyroid-induced low stomach acid) which can end up contributing to oxidative stress. In other words, all too many patients have reported continued hypothyroidism while being on T4-only, or they reporting seeing symptoms of hypothyroidism creep up the longer they stay on T4-only. Continued hypothyroidism can occur if you are undertreated even on Natural Desiccated Thyroid or T3-only thanks to being held hostage to the TSH lab test (or issues with untreated low cortisol).

Conversely, informed thyroid patients could surmise that proper treatment of their hypothyroid state, in addition to their acquire low iron, low nutrient, low cortisol state, could strongly improve their anti-oxidative status in a positive way. And reported patient experience in the use of Natural Desiccated Thyroid may be underscoring this, as well. Namely, patients who switch from T4 to NDT report far better health outcomes i.e. less sicknesses, better well-being, lowered inflammation.

In the meantime, the same four Italian researchers who did the study on T4-only, lung cancer and oxidative stress may eventually provide us with more tips to counter this issue.

Ten suggested strategies for informed thyroid patients to consider to counter oxidative stress

  1. Be on a thyroid treatment which gives the best results, and thus, may play a role in lowering your oxidative stress, which reported patient experience reveals to be natural desiccated thyroid (or adding T3 to you T4 treatment, or even being on T3-only).
  2. Get a wide variety of antioxidants in foods.
  3. Optimize and balance your blood sugar levels
  4. Identify and address your food intolerances
  5. Optimize your gut health
  6. Treat your low cortisol
  7. Dr. Kharrazian recommends the following nutrients: N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), L-Glutamine, Selenium, Cordyceps, Gotu kola and Milk thistle. (Learn about each before using)
  8. Consider meditation and/or Yoga or any other stress-busting activities
  9. Find ways to laugh…and laugh….and laugh!
  10. Get plenty of sleep.

Discuss all the above with your doctor so he or she can be included in your team approach to your health and well-being. Let’s STOP THE THYROID AND OXIDATIVE STRESS MADNESS! :)


** Want to chat with other patients concerning this oxidative stress issue? See a list of good thyroid patients groups.

** Need a good doctor to be in partnership with you? Here are strategies to help you.

** Like to learn in book form about better thyroid treatment? Order the Bible of better thyroid treatment as learned by patients (and the publishing company, with each order of the STTM book, is giving away a FREE 4-page handout on Herbs which help thyroid patients, for a limited time!)

** Check out this neat video by Tyler DeWitt explaining the difference between an atom and a molecule.

** For a very technical description of free radicals, check out the "Radical" Wikipedia article.

** See a list of diseases and conditions caused by oxidative stress on the Oxidative Stress Resource website. . http://www.oxidativestressresource.org/